You are Enough

Posted by on Jan 13, 2015 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on You are Enough

are you happy

The Quote of the Day…..So true, friends…so true.  Have a good day!

It’s easy to feel uncared for when people aren’t able to communicate and connect with you in the way you need. And it’s so hard not to internalize that silence as a reflection on your worth.


But the truth is that the way other people operate is not about you. Most people are so caught up in their own responsibilities, struggles, and anxiety that the thought of asking someone else how they’re doing doesn’t even cross their mind. They aren’t inherently bad or uncaring — they’re just busy and self-focused. And that’s okay. It’s not evidence of some fundamental failing on your part. It doesn’t make you unloveable or invisible. It just means that those people aren’t very good at looking beyond their own world.


But the fact that you are — that despite the darkness you feel, you have the ability to share your love and light with others — is a strength. Your work isn’t to change who you are; it’s to find people who are able to give you the connection you need. Because despite what you feel, you are not too much. You are not too sensitive or too needy. You are thoughtful and empathetic. You are compassionate and kind. And with or without anyone’s acknowledgment or affection, you are enough.

Daniell Koepke

Happy Merry

Posted by on Dec 24, 2014 in Dragonfly Retreats, Grief, Happiness, Healing | Comments Off on Happy Merry

beautiful-christmas-tree-lights-forest-winter-snow-night_large-480x350 I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year…

–Charles Dickens


Hello all!  Boy time is getting away from me.  Evidently I’m still holding onto the illusion that blogs post by themselves, composed by fairies in some mystical writer’s realm.  Alas, it’s still just us mortals over here, so you haven’t heard from anyone in the Blogging Department in quite some time.  My bad.

So, given all that, I wanted to pop in, say that I am back in St. Louis for the winter and offer a Happy Merry to Whatever You May Celebrate This Time of Year.  I also wanted to say that I see I suddenly have about 4011 emails in my inbox, many from folks wishing well  (thanks, you too!) or inquiring about healing retreats for the New Year.

So, I wanted to do a quick post about that, to answer as many questions as I can in one spot.  A lot of the questions are about if we are still doing the healing retreat intensives in 2015, what happens, what you can expect, and what we can work on in the retreats, so let me do a quick summary here:

Yes!  We are offering healing retreats in 2015.  We are offering one and two day retreats, as well as a yearlong mentorship package and all kinds of other cool things for your inner stocking. For specific questions, check out the Retreats page or the FAQ, or shoot me an email and I’ll get back with you as soon as possible.  We are booking into February and March for retreats at this point, and planning a week or two in New Mexico again in October, you are also welcome to join us there!

We can target the healing retreats to address grief, loss, anxiety/depression, trauma, addictions and cravings, shame and guilt, discovery of life purpose, vocational fulfillment and an endless list of things we all want to work on or move through in life.  Many issues come down to grief, forgiveness of self or others, or just a general desire to open your heart, find freedom and discover your true calling in life.  Ultimately we all want to master the art of forgiveness, loving-kindness, joy and peace, and the work we do is designed to help you delve into your innermost dwelling places where those things already live inside of you.

We can still do individual sessions, we can do joint sessions and EMDR with Becky Wallace, or any combination of things.  Whatever you choose, know that we will tailor it to you, your journey, your passions and your path.  This is the time of year when we all want to focus on letting go, inviting in the Light, reconciliation and extending the gracious language of the heart.  I invite you to extend those things to yourself and your own wise heart as well, to trust your own love.

This is the time of the year when the Light comes back into the world, and we hope for and celebrate the lightness of peace, the warmth of love, the brightness of joy.  Whatever you my celebrate or look forward to this time of year, may you find it, may it find you, and may you have a year beyond your wildest dreams in 2015.

Happy Merry Everything to Everyone, and Peace to us all.


Dragonfly Retreats

Posted by on Jul 12, 2014 in Dragonfly Retreats, Emotions, Events, Grief, Happiness, Healing, Loss and Letting Go, Peace | Comments Off on Dragonfly Retreats

dragonfly at sunset picScared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation.

–Alan Cohen


Hello beautiful souls!  I wanted to do some updates about the goings on around here, especially about the retreats.  Many of you are asking about them, so this seems like the best way to do it.

First, yes– all of the spots for the New Mexico retreats are full, at least for this year.  We will probably do a larger, longer group retreat next year in Abiquiu, NM, with the option for individual retreats again.  In the meantime, we are doing most of them in St. Louis.   We have one spot left for August, so if you are interested in doing a Dragonfly Healing Intensive Retreat, please let me know as soon as possible.

We have 2 weekends left in November and 2 in December, and we’ll most likely be focusing on issues dealing with food, shame, old triggers and  family of origin issues around that time of year.   It’s interesting how much comes up for people about shame, body image, food, cravings, and just a generalized funky angst when the holidays roll around.  If you would like to enter into a process that will transform your whole experience around shame, stress and what triggers it,  let’s discuss a one or two day retreat for you.

There have also been other questions about if I am still doing t 1:1 work, and YES!  So allow me address that here as well— Some of you have been around Blessings Enterprises for several years and have experienced one on one work.   That will continue, as will phone sessions for clients nationwide.  In addition, The Amazing Becky Wallace  and I have collaborated to offer healing retreat intensives, which we have named Dragonfly Retreats.  So, a bit about that:

The story of the creation of Dragonfly Retreats can be summed up in the words of Aristotle: “Where your talents and the needs of the world cross; there lies your vocation.”

Why the Dragonfly?  Quite simply, the dragonfly symbolizes change and transformation. When the dragonfly shows up in your life, it means it’s time for a change.  It is a time when you may be called to live and experience your life differently, to move from surviving to really thriving.  The invitation is to dive deeper into your emotions as it encourages us to face the illusions, internal or external, that you carry.

The dragonfly has the ability to adapt to many situations.  They begin life living in the water, and live the rest of their lives in the air with the ability to fly, encouraging you to stay open to the changes in your personal journey. As the dragonfly grows and matures, it changes colors, develops 360 degree eyesight, and learns intricate patterns of flight.   As a symbol of metamorphosis and transformation, it inspires you to bring about the changes needed in your life in order to reach full potential, see through the illusions, and find your personal authenticity.

I suppose at some level, the work I have done individually through Blessings Enterprises is certainly part of Dragonfly medicine, and remains so.  But something magical happens when two or more are gathered in the name of healing, and Dragonfly Retreats capture that mystical quality of creation and healing.  When you have two people working with you, and you have our undivided attention for six hours, things move very quickly, very deeply, and yet very gently.  The EMDR opens the brain to lasting changes, and combined with the soul retrievals and energetic balancing, you begin to clear the patterns that may have been held deep in your body, brain and soul. Two days allows you to integrate and anchor in the changes, but sometimes one day is all that is needed.  We will help you discern the best path for you and your desires.

What you begin to find is that it is safe to listen to your longing, it is safe to open your heart and find the love for yourself.  Every part of you has a right to be heard, yet you may feel as though you do not have permission to speak your truth.  As a child, or even as an adult, you may have been silenced, and now spend much of your life simply tolerating your existence.  You may spend a great deal of your life force energy simply covering up the chaos around you, making up for the addictions in yourself or another, compensating for their lack of ambition, their inability or unwillingness to feel, grow or change.  You may be simply existing in a life you built, the one you thought you “should” have, yet have never really lived the life you want for yourself.  The time for change may have come, but sometimes an hour a week is simply not enough concentrated energy to take you deep into yourself.   Dragonfly Retreats was created to address this issue, to help you create a life you want, instead of the one that was projected onto you.  These days are designed for those ready to discover self mastery, self-discovery and transformation.

Your retreat is one or two days of concentrated time just for you. We invite you to create your own custom retreat designed to gently answer the deepest questions of your heart and soul. If the past haunts you, and your own critical voice taunts you, remember that lost, fearful voice is in you is just something small and scared within you, a part of you that needs your love and attention. Every part of you has a right to be heard, and your retreat is designed to allow every part of you to have a voice, in a safe and supportive atmosphere.

Questions matter, because they lead you inward to your truth.  What is the meaning of my life? How do I create my own path of peace, purpose, love and meaning? How do I align my values with my work and family life?  How can my heart feel so heavy and so empty at the same time?  Why do I sabotage myself every time I’m on the verge of a breakthrough?

These questions are always an invitation, the beginning of possibility, of creation, of a calling.  A part of you may have been observing your life from the edges, and now you are being beckoned to the Center. We will help you find the map to the labyrinth of your soul that leads you ever inward, to the place where your peace and answers lie.  The turbulence in you will feel as though it has been replaced with a gentle calm, the darkness within you replaced with a gentle light.

Your retreat is an invitation, a Gateway to Awakening, an investment in yourself.  This is a time of deep exploration that can transform trauma, further personal growth, enhance the quality of your relationships and align your work with meaning and purpose. We invite you to allow this transformative experience into every part of your life, creating the space for allowing a whole new way of Being. You are worth it, you are deserving of love and belonging.  You always have the invitation, so Come. Join us at the table, and feast on your own life.

As always, questions are welcome.  If you feel like a Dragonfly Retreat might be fruitful, feel free to contact me.  We have one Saturday left in August, and two weekends left in November 2014, as well as two weekends left in December 2014.  If you want the holidays to be different this year; if you want to address the shame that underlies the feelings of lost, frozen or stuck; if you want to deepen into the mastery of your own body, mind and spirit,  send me an email or give me a call.

Hope you all have a great weekend!





Take a Deep Breath

Posted by on Jul 9, 2014 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Take a Deep Breath

Fear doesn’t frighten me as much as it used to. I know it’s from clinging and I know it will pass. I can tell myself, “I’m frightened now because even though I know what’s true, I have forgotten it right now. I know the possibility of remembering exists.”  That possibility, that conviction, gives me a lot of hope in the middle of the biggest fright.

– Sylvia Boorstein


Hello all!   For whatever reason, I have had a great many calls and emails from people experiencing tremendous fear and anxiety today.  Maybe it’s solar flares or war, maybe it’s the heat and humidity, maybe it’s the turn of the moon or the clouds in the sky.  Or maybe, it is just because we are all human and sometimes we experience fear and anxiety.  So, if today you are having a blast of fear, perhaps just a gentle reminder…take a deep breath.  Remember who you are, that you are loved and that it’s all going to be ok.  Remember that you are the sky, the rest of that stuff is just the weather.

Whatever may be scaring you today, may you remember that you came from Love, you are Love, and to Love you shall return.  Remember that others experience the same thing and that we are all sending you Big Light and hope.  Hang in there, you are no doubt smarter and more capable than you may think, and no doubt you are doing a better job than you think you are.  Be kind and gentle with yourself and allow all that inner turbulence to be replaced with a sacred calm.  Gentle back into your true self.

It’s all going to be ok.  Breathe.  You are safe and all is well.

Have a good day 🙂



credits:   This cool picture came from the fine folks at Search Quotes, be sure to check them out for more great pics and quotes.  


We’ve Moved and Some Cool New Stuff

Posted by on May 15, 2014 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on We’ve Moved and Some Cool New Stuff

Time For ChangeHello all!

I know it’s been forever since I posted, but I did want to come along to say hello 🙂  A lot has happened, as many of you know.  The house and old office sold, I spent 40 days wandering in the desert on a life-changing retreat, I’ve moved a couple times, and much, more more.

There have been many changes in the business as well, so I wanted to post a quick update.

First, I have landed in a really cool office space in Webster.  There is great parking, it’s centrally located and a great space in which to work.

Next, I want to update you on some cool new services being offered.  Many of you have asked over the years if I could do all day retreats or intensives.  The answer is now, “YES!”  I have teamed up with Rebecca Wallace  over at Wings of Change to provide all day healing  intensives.  We often use this time for treating trauma or severe “stuckness,” by providing a lot of healing work, EMDR, and many other modalities.  The time can also be used for performance enhancement and a general breakthrough kind of day, or whatever you feel you need.  The days are tailored to and for you, with deep and profound results.

I see these days as an initiation of sorts, an opportunity to move through the places in which you might feel lost or stuck.  They provide the opportunity for a true liminal experience, one in which you will most certainly cross the threshold into something new.  It is a deeply rewarding and rich time, and you have our undivided attention the entire day. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and we can talk about if the retreat day would be of benefit for you.

Blessings to all of you!



A Declaration of Self Care

Posted by on Jul 1, 2013 in Fear, Happiness, Healing, Loss and Letting Go, Peace, Spirituality | Comments Off on A Declaration of Self Care

are you happy

Hello all!  This is a wonderful post originally from Mara Glatzel.    

I love this, I preach this, I believe this and I wanted to pass it along.  Allow yourself to work with yourself today, and be gentle with you.  We are all we have, sweet friends, and we are enough.  You are enough.   There is enough today…enough time, enough money, enough love, enough breath.  So for just a second, relax your shoulders.  Take a deep breath and allow that Calm Voice to whisper encouragement in your ears.   There is only now, so deepen into the moment and allow yourself to Be Here Now.  You are worth it.  Moment to moment, allow yourself a radical self-love, an unconditional friendliness towards yourself.  You so deserve it.


Without further ado, here is Mara.


A Declaration of Self Care

I believe that we teach other people how to treat us.

That we surround ourselves with the love we believe that we deserve.

That the way that we treat ourselves sets the baseline for all of our relationships.

The relationship that we have with ourselves is the most important relationship of our lifetime.

Yet, so many of us are too busy telling ourselves what to do and where to be to get to know the beautiful, imperfect, phenomenally powerful person that we already are – no trying required.

Our relationships with ourselves are built upon foundations of self-trust, foundations that are created brick by brick as we keep our own promises to follow through.

This relationship is the layer beneath pedicures and walks on the beach. They aren’t talking about radical self-responsibility in Seventeen magazine. It exists in the realms beneath self-care as we often see it represented in the media, where a spa day can cure just about anything.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the spa, but my self-care doesn’t require special treatment. Instead, at it’s core, it is a vow to tell myself the truth, and to work with myself instead of against myself.

It is about how I want to show up in my life – for myself and for my dreams – and the tangible ways that I tend to my wild spirit as I journey on.

It is about taking care now, in this moment, in this body, in this life, and not waiting for someone else to tell you that you are worth caring for.

It is about your beautiful deserving, the tender yearning of your essential self. I know that you want to be seen and heard. I want to be seen and heard too. However, if I don’t show myself respect in seeing or listening to my own needs, I can hardly to know how important my own voice is.

My declaration in self-care

I am strong enough to tell myself the truth.

I am brave enough to show up, even when and especially when, it hard.

It is not selfish to make sure that my basic needs are met – and then some – it is what I need to thrive.

It is my responsibility to take care of the one body that I am going to get in this life.

In caring for myself and for my body, I am showing myself, again and again, that I am worthy of love and care.

I  deserve to receive my own love.

I carry this love and this trust with me everywhere that I go, and I have the choice to lean into this knowing, this unshakable relationship with myself.

It is through caring for myself that I am able to reclaim my brilliance, to stand in my power and beauty.

I am ready.