Happiness Flow Chart
Check out this awesome Flow Chart of Happiness I originally found this on the Speaking of Faith site, which is also a great resource. To your happiness! 🙂 T
Read MoreBedtime Stories….
It’s getting late.  I’ve been around family today, acutely aware of the ways in which the sand passes through the hourglass of time and spills into some unknown place, taking pieces of us with it. I’m not sure where those pieces go, what process they undergo on their way to becoming a memory, a fragment of the self held in a time and a place only accessible to the mind and body in the form of remembrance. Invisible, ineffable, yet completely tangible in some mysterious way that defies the logic of hard science. The stories of a person, a family, a culture, a country—they hold us, bind us...
Read MoreHello world!
Welcome! You can find more about us at our main Blessings Enterprises site as well. Peace and Blessings 🙂
Read MoreThe Lost Generation
A palindrome is a word or phrase that can be read the same backward or forwards, like the word Bob or Mom, or whatever. This video called The Lost Generation is an amazingly cool example of this as she speaks of her generation (probably in her teens or 20s) and all the projections and fears we all have. Well worth the couple of minutes. This kid won a prize from AARP for this. Have a great day! peace 🙂
Read MoreFree acupuncture
Hello all! For those of you wanting to try some free acupuncture by skillful practitioners in a great setting, John and Bryan at Community Acupuncture of St. Louis are offering it as a means of intro and celebration of their recent purchase of Holistic Fitness, a one-stop shop for massage, colonics, and more. An excerpt from their announcement: “Bryan and I are licensed acupuncturists who own and operate Community Acupuncture of St Louis. For those of you who don’t know our clinic, we provide treatments in a group setting, with patients relaxing in recliners during their treatments....
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