White Sage Bundles, Holy Smudge Sticks 3 pack

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Our same great sage at a discounted package price. This package of 3 smudge sticks allows you to keep one in your car. Place it on the dashboard to make your car smell wonderful and provide a soothing drive!

California White Sage is unique among all the sages in the world. Its broad leaves grow in beautiful flower-like clusters that sit atop a silvery stalk. Its scent is unmistakable with a strong, pleasant aroma that evokes the chaparral environment of the mountains of Southern California, the habitat where California White Sage is found.

For the First Nations, sage is one of the 4 Sacred Medicines, and is also considered a woman's medicine because it is used in Moon Ceremonies. When working with a Medicine Wheel, sage represents the west. The Cahuilla, a Native American tribe that lives in what is now San Diego and Riverside counties, used white sage as a cure for colds, preparing the leaves in various manners. It is also known that white sage was burned, the smoke being used to purify objects.

Today, the strong scent of California White Sage is prized for use in smudging, and when burned, is believed to purify people, places, and objects. All of our white sage is wildcrafted from plants growing in the wild. The families we work with work hard to collect the best sage they can find and finely craft our smudge bundles in various size. These generally range about 5-7 inches. Because each bundle is hand-crafted, there will always be variation.

Our bundles are wrapped by hand, mindfully and prayerfully, and are held in sacred space until they reach you. We have never found better or more powerful smudge bundles than these.

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White Sage Bundles, Holy Smudge Sticks 3 pack