Detox Foot Patches

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Detoxification occurs within our bodies on a daily basis. However, our modern lifestyles introduce a higher amount of unnatural substances into our environment than ever before. Even in ancient times, the need to detox in order to allow the body to rest and heal, was considered part of basic and normal healthcare, much like brushing your teeth is today. In the modern world, beyond the usual processes of the body, we now have processed foods, stress, pollution, artificial sweeteners, and much more activity, all of which take a toll. Our bodies sometimes simply cannot handle all the toxins, or aren't able to eliminate them via the normal detoxification measures. Over a period of time these substances accumulate and will cause various debilitating and chronic conditions, beginning with fatigue and emotional distress.

The result is familiar: vague symptoms that are often overlooked, eventually resulting in more serious illness. Symptoms such as frequent colds, feeling sluggish and tired, allergies, poor skin, coated tongue, bad breath, head pain, or feeling ill after eating fats and other food may indicate an impairment in the body's functional ability to detox fully on its own. Detoxification is a cornerstone and one of the first step to healing. There are many ways to detox, and we suggest you look into all of them, and decide what will be most supportive for you, your healing and your lifestyle. We use a variety of herbs and other means, but the least invasive, and easiest place to start, is with the feet.

What are foot detox pads?
Detox foot pads are an amazing product that may help your body cleanse while you sleep, while your body is naturally detoxing anyway. The bamboo vinegar, herbs and other ingredients may pull impurities out of your system during the night. In the morning, you remove the pads from your feet and discard them. I suggest doing that with a warm cloth nearby so you can wash the gunk off your feet. It's kind of funky, what comes out!

Why are the foot pads worn on the feet?

The pads are worn on the feet for a couple of reasons - the feet are considered in Oriental medicine to be the "second heart," meaning they help pump return circulation of blood and lymph back up into the torso. Our culture is more sedentary than ever before, so this natural pumping action is inhibited and circulation tends to bog down around the feet, ankles and lower legs.

A reflexology foot chart that helps explains how detox foot pads actually work:


Do they really work?

Honestly, until I tried them, I would have told you it was a scam. There are plenty of places you can find people still saying that. We aren't here to try to convince you of anything. But my personal experience is that they really work well. When I had a badly sprained ankle, it pulled the bruising and swelling out and really helped with the pain, and that convinced me. I use them after hiking, or working in the yard when I ache all over, and it's really amazing how much it helps. I've had feedback from chemo patients that it helped their pain and nausea, as well as those quitting smoking that they could smell the nicotine on the patches in the morning, and it helped with cravings. I have used these or recommended them to others over the years, with good results.

I also have poured water on them to see if they would just change colors on their own. Maybe it's just my tap water, but the pads stayed the same color. I have also tried them on my back and other places, as they suggest, and I didn't find the results were as powerful that way. Others have tried it and tell me it helped them a lot, so I would tell you to rely on your best judgement about what your body needs in that instance. But if you try them and honestly feel like it doesn't help you, we'll happily give you a full refund. Just tell us what you did, and how you did it, and about your experience, and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price. Is that reasonable?

What if I don't see anything in my detox foot pads?

A few people don't seem to get a lot of "stuff" coming out of the feet at night -- maybe due to a sluggish lymphatic system, and poor circulation. These people may do better to wear the pads during the day, to get a fuller benefit from the pumping of circulation through the feet, or to put the pads on an hour or two before bedtime, while they are still moving around. I also notice that if I rub my feet and legs, or wash them off with a hot cloth before bed (let your feet dry before applying the pads), it seems to increase the circulation, which allows the feet to pull more through your system.

What results can I expect to see with the foot detox pads?

Reports of more energy, better sleep, clearer and more positive thinking, and relief from all kinds of symptoms, including chronic pain, migraines, fibromyalgia, are common. After the initial nightly applications of several weeks, they may be worn once or twice a week, or a few times a month, as a maintenance program, to continue to help the body with exposure to daily pollutants, as well as toxicities that accumulate from stress. I usually try to do a set, wait a couple days, then do it again. They are really great to wear at night if you had a massage that day, and things are already moving around!

Can the detox foot pads be worn anywhere else on the body?

The feet are the best place to wear the pads. However, benefits may be obtained from wearing the patches on several places throughout the body. The pads can also be worn directly over a painful or swollen area. They tend to work best when applied over a blood-rich spot, like the extremities, including the hands, feet, backs of knees, temple, neck and spine. I prefer to wear them on the feet.

How long should I expect to wear the detox foot pads before I am fully detoxed?

Overall lymphatic detoxing through the feet may easily take 30 days or more for the average person, longer if you are chronically ill. Most people use the pads on the arches of the feet to start with. The pads start becoming lighter in color as less "gooey" lymph is extracted. At that point, other areas of the feet can be addressed - the balls of the feet, the toes, the heel, even the ankle. Some will see results in a day or two, while others may take several weeks to sense something positive is happening.

***PLEASE NOTE: These foot pads contain CHITOSAN, which is a shellfish. If you have a shellfish allergy, it may be best to avoid these pads. While the pads don't put anything INTO your body, those who show symptoms when an allergen comes in contact with your skin should avoid use*** -

Disclaimer: **This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. As in all health situations, your doctor should be consulted for any medical condition.**

These packages are shipped from Asia, and the packaging or boxes may change from time to time. but we test each batch ourselves to ensure quality. You are getting the same great product each time, even if the packaging is a bit different.

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Detox Foot Patches