Posted by on Aug 29, 2010 in Events and Education, Grief, Healing, Spirituality or Religion | Comments Off on Spiritual Fruits or Just Nuts link

Hello all!

I’ve had several requests lately to publish a few of the questions I usually ask Blessings Coaching clients.  I did a larger post on this today in the Spirituality Blog so feel free to check that out!

Here is a sample of the Questions, but you can read more on the full post at the Spirituality blog.

Humans get angry or upset about a variety of things. What is upsetting to me may not be upsetting to you. What’s important to your spouse, boss, friends or family may not be important to you, or the other way around.  Hurt feelings and reactions often result from unmet expectations and the fruits can be sweet or bitter.   Getting upset about certain things is human and normal—a full range of emotions is normal and healthy. It’s when we get triggered and go to extremes in our unmindful reactions that it creates problems for self and others. So as I sit with these Q’s, what comes up in me?

1.  When I’m angry or upset, what do I do? Do I blow up or shut down? Do I just check out and run away—physically or emotionally leave?    Do I behave in ways I later regret?  Am I willing to take responsibility for this and change?

That’s just a short excerpt, to read the whole post on Spiritual Fruits, questions about your own process of discernment and path, or just random babbling thoughts in general, check it out here.

Thanks, have a great day!

Peace 🙂

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