Posted by on Mar 15, 2011 in Events and Education, Green or Nature, Healing, Spirituality or Religion | Comments Off on MABA & Tsunami Relief, Buddhist Events

Hello All!  Blogger Slacker returns with spring events at MABA, including their China trip and tsunami relief for the Buddhist community in Japan.  If you have never been to MABA, this pic is from them. for directions and information


Mid-America Buddhist Association Monastery

via Hwy. 94 to Schindler Rd. in Augusta , MO – a secluded and tranquil setting

Dear Friends,

See Below for information about:

1)     Earthquake – Tsunami Relief

2)     Sunday Meditation Schedule

3)     Sunday Study Group

4)     Spring Meditation Retreat — April 16

5)     Qingming Ancestor Memorial

6)     May preview – Vesak Day May 15 and Retreat May 28

7)     Trip to China – Sept 15-29

As the three month Monastic Winter Retreat comes to a close at the end of March, MABA opens again with a number of events.  This email summarizes and highlights our offerings to the public.

First, we hold in our hearts all those who have suffered greatly from the recent earthquakes from New Zealand to Japan.  We are very concerned most recently about the events in Japan.  Some may wish to donate directly through a Buddhist Charity.  Tzu Chi Foundation is one well-known charity and can be found online. They already have a network of assistance on the ground in Japan.

From our Dharma Friend, Rosan, head of the Missouri Zen Center, he forwards this message to us:

There has been an outpouring of grief and sympathy for those who are suffering there. Many people have contacted us at the Soto Zen Buddhism North America Office asking how they can contribute money for disaster relief to help in the recovery. We will collect relief funds at our office and take them to Sotoshu.  If you and your temple or center wish to help with this, please send a check to our office payable to “Association of Soto Zen Buddhists” by April 10th, 2011. Please write on the check that it is specifically for “Japan Earthquake Relief.”  The address is 123 S. Hewitt St., Los Angeles, CA 90012.  The Abbot is thankful for our consideration.

Visitors to MABA will notice some important changes, including the nearly completed construction of the Humble Cottage, a residence for monks and a men’s retreat dormitory.  The building is partially heated and cooled by geothermal technology.

MABA Sunday Schedule

8:40 am   –  Study Group (optional, see below)

10:00 am – Sitting Meditation

10:40 am – Walking Meditation

11:00 am – Dharma Talk

11:34 am – Chanting the Sutras (mostly in English)

11:45 am – Vegetarian Lunch

All activities are free and open to the public. No pre-registration required.

Donations are greatly appreciated.

MABA resumes its usual Sunday schedule on March 27.  Master Jiru will give his first talk in over three months.  This will be his only public Dharma Talk here until August.

Mahayana Buddhist Study Group

Every Sunday starting April 3, 2011

8:40 to 9:50  before meditation

The Sunday Study Group resumes on April 3, facilitated by Ven. Kongmu.  We will be studying Bhikkhu Bodhi’s In the Buddha’s Words.  This book can be ordered online, and MABA has some copies for purchase as well. This is a fundamental text, giving us a step-by-step guide to understanding the Buddha’s teachings.  For those of us who studied this in 2007, this gives us an opportunity to go more deeply into the teachings and share our understanding with others.

Register by contacting

Spring Retreat at MABA

Saturday, April 16, 2011

8:30 am to 4:30 pm

Mindfulness and Understanding Consciousness

In the past few years our Beginner Retreats have focused on Mindfulness and the Four Noble Truths and Mindfulness and the Three Divisions of the Eightfold Path.  This year we will be looking more deeply into consciousness, what it is and how to transform it.

This retreat is especially designed for beginners but is also open to more experienced meditators.  We all benefit from renewing our practice, and, as Suzuki Roshi said, Zen is cultivating our “Beginner’s Mind.”

This one day mini-retreat will allow us to investigate the connection between mindfulness sitting practice and how to understand and transform our consciousness.  Each Dharma talk will also include a time for questions and answers and some discussion.  There will also be short breaks between the sessions.

Pre-Registration is required.

Please contact to pre-register. Space is limited.  Register soon as we have had to put people on the waiting list in the past. There are no overnight provisions for this Retreat. $35.00 Donation to MABA for food and facilities appreciated.

Qingming Ancestor Memorial

At MABA’s Dizang Hall

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Times and Details to be announced

Qingming Ancestor Memorial is a traditional Chinese day of remembering those in our family who have passed away.  We remember their contributions and honor their memory.  Chanting will be done in the Dizang Hall.

We hope to see all of you soon.  Please come and join us.

In May we have more offerings.

Vesak Day is at MABA this year.  Save the date: Sunday, May 15

Refuge and Precept Retreat will be on Saturday, May 28

China Trip September 15-29, 2011

Have you ever wanted to visit China?  We will be traveling with Buddhist Monastics across China for 2 weeks, visiting Beijing (Great Wall, Forbidden City), Xi’an (clay soldiers), Chengdu (Er Mei Mountain), Potuoshan Island (Guanyin Mountain), and Shanghai.

Cost: Approximately $3000 !!!  This includes direct flight airfare from Chicago, all hotels (5 and 4 stars), most meals, and entrance fees to events (Chinese acrobats, Monasteries, etc).  This is truly a chance of a lifetime.  Katty Choi is organizing and leading the trip.  To get on the list of those very interested, email  Participants will be limited because we want to have enough translators.  Pre-planning is required for Travel Visas, etc.

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