Posted by on May 6, 2013 in Emotions, Fear, Happiness, Healing, Peace, ponderings, Spirituality | Comments Off on I’m Actually Not That Busy, Either



Hello all!

I saw this post and wanted to share it.   I’m coming off a several day silent retreat and this was a perfect reminder as I do re-entry.

This is a a total cut and paste, I have added nothing to it.  The original post from SuperHero Life, by Andrea Scher, can be found  here.    

Enjoy 🙂



This is my new mantra: I’m actually not that busy.


It doesn’t sound spiritual or like something you heard at your yoga class. It might not even feel true the first few times you say it!  But it’s changing my life.


My aha moment came when I saw this graphic above on Facebook. Moments later I heard Brene Brown talk about how we glorify our busy lives, how we actually think that if we’re not busy our lives are less important or have less value. It’s subtle, but always saying we are busy is another way we reinforce our not-enoughness.


When people ask you how you’re doing, do you do what I do? Do you say, “Oh fine, crazy, busy as ever!” or “Really good… super busy!”


But what is busy really? but something we tell ourselves.


I practiced it this morning when I dropped off Nico at school. As I signed him out, I heard that familiar refrain, Okay sister, you better get going now and get to your desk… But then I stopped myself and said, I’m actually not that busy!and let myself stay a few extra minutes building a tower of blocks with him.


It was just a few more minutes but it felt spacious, like I got to decide that I have time for everything. I felt myself writing a new story: that there is enough time for what’s most important in my life.


If you see it all as part of the creative process (and I do) — the daydreams, the walks, the lying on the couch, the spontaneous lunch with a friend — it starts to make sense. My best work is done this way– not when I am pinched and constricted but expansive and present.


So yeah, the more I say it, the more it feels true. I’m not that busy people! and it’s awesome.


Will you try this with me?


The next time someone asks you how you are, I dare you to say: Great! I’m actually not that busy.

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