Posted by on Jul 30, 2010 in Events and Education, Spirituality or Religion | Comments Off on Compassion & Mindfulness Retreat

Hello all!  The Mid-America Buddhist Association (MABA) is hosting a Cultivating Compassion retreat in a couple weeks.  If you have never been out there, it’s a gorgeous place, a Buddhist monastery plunked right in the middle of Augusta wine country.  Well worth the drive and the time.  Families are welcome.  I cut and pasted the info below.


A Family Retreat at MABA

Saturday, August 14, 2010  8:30 am to 4:30 pm

11:45 am – Vegetarian Lunch included

Mid-America Buddhist Association Monastery

Highway 94 & Schindler Road, Augusta, MO

Individuals, Couples, Families, Children, Teens, and Adults of All Ages are Welcome

On August 14, 2010 MABA will be having a special one-day family retreat. There will be special activities, loving kindness, and mindfulness meditation teachings for children, teens, and adults of all ages. You are welcome to come as an individual or with family members. Children’s groups will be divided into those ages 5-10 and ages11-17. There will also be activities and teaching on Loving Kindness for the entire family.

The day will begin with an orientation about Compassion and a Mindfulness Nature Walk together with our loved ones. Children’s morning activities will include short mindfulness practice, mala bead bracelet making, story time, and jade plant sprouting. Morning teen activities will include practicing mindfulness, learning Buddhist stories about Compassion, and applying these stories to creative projects. Morning activities for adults will include mindfulness meditation and a more in-depth study of the Karuna (Compassion) practice.

Following the vegetarian lunch, the afternoon activities will begin with families cooperating in planting our own jade plants from leaves. We will also incorporate Mindfulness and Compassion with the three age groups to include a presentation of their projects. The afternoon will conclude with a planting ceremony and the Dedication of Merit. This promises to be a very special day. Come and join us!

All MABA events are free and open to the public. for directions and information

Donations are accepted.  For this event pre-registration is required

Register early, as space is limited.  Contact

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