I’d Never, Ever, Ever, Ever…

Posted by on Jan 28, 2011 in Cool Art, Emotions, Grief, Happiness, Healing, Loss and Letting Go, Spirituality | Comments Off on I’d Never, Ever, Ever, Ever…

Hello all!  Blogger Slacker is making up for lost time, at least for today.  This is not an original post, in fact it is a total copy job from Lynne Farrow.  This is such a beautiful post that I wanted to pass it along.    If you’d like to learn more about her or her work, you can find her here. Enjoy!!!        I’d Never, Ever, Ever, Ever. . . By Lynne, on January 26th, 2011 Some days the teacher’s not the teacher. Some days wisdom rises up through a single voice to give voice to our collective experience and pain. We’re working on an Inside/Outside project at The...

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The Most Important Thing

Posted by on Jan 22, 2011 in Emotions, Grief, Happiness, Healing, Loss and Letting Go, Peace, prayers, Spirituality | 2 comments

Death is certain.  The time of death is uncertain.  Knowing this, what is the most important thing? ~~Buddhist wisdom I’ve thought about that question a lot lately.  My mom spent several days in the hospital recently, which means I’ve spent a lot of time at a hospital as well.   She is home now, sleeping soundly, and I write this from their house. Today was more doctors, more tests, more of walking the path that comes at this stage of the disease she is living with and dying from.  It is an interesting path and an interesting time. While that is a personal thing, I also have been...

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Showers of Mercy (rerun)

Posted by on Dec 28, 2010 in Emotions, Grief, Happiness, Healing, Loss and Letting Go, prayers, Spirituality | Comments Off on Showers of Mercy (rerun)

Surely Goodness and Mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of God forever… ~~Psalm 23 Hello all 🙂  I’m going to be off the grid the next several days, but I wanted to do another 2010 post before I leave.  It seems like a good time for a few “best of” posts, so here ya go…  It is interesting to me that I originally posted this one in July, but I won’t have to change a single word for it to be applicable again today.  A lot of folks are having a rough time right now, it’s been a deep year for a lot of people.  I...

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Eclipse & Happy Merry Everything!

Posted by on Dec 20, 2010 in ponderings, Spirituality | Comments Off on Eclipse & Happy Merry Everything!

  Hello all!  I wanted to post some sort of really fun, wise, enlightening article here for the holidays, and if there is time I still may do that.  But in the meantime, what is happening tonight is fun, spiritual and has attracted wise seekers throughout the ages. Tuesday is a total Lunar Eclipse. It is also the Winter Solstice and the World Wide Chant for Peace Day.  Some are saying this is the first time in over 400 years all of these events have happened on the same day.   Christmas is upon us, the day Christians celebrate New Light coming into the world.  So I can’t top any...

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Dealing with Difficult Relatives

Posted by on Nov 22, 2010 in Emotions, Grief, Loss and Letting Go, Spirituality | Comments Off on Dealing with Difficult Relatives

Your friends, family and your love must be cultivated like a garden. Time, effort, and imagination must be summoned constantly to keep any relationship flourishing and growing. -Jim Rohn   OK, so I admit it.  I’m not normally a reader of Max Lucado’s work.  But I have had many chats lately with a lot of people feeling pain about the “hellidays,” family time, obligations and expectations, stresses and so on.  Not a lot of excitement about connecting with the famdamly in these conversations.  So, I thought I’d pass along something someone sent me about how...

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Meditation and Attention Span

Posted by on Nov 22, 2010 in Events and Education, Happiness, Healing, Spirituality, Spirituality or Religion | Comments Off on Meditation and Attention Span

Meditation is the tongue of the soul and the language of the spirit… ~~Jeremy Taylor   I took this pic of the flowers with the small Buddha out at MABA, the Mid America Buddhist Association.  It was a day of choosing focus and the flowers in direct focus with Buddha in the back seemed to capture if for me.   MABA is a gorgeous place and one of many places in the St. Louis area to learn more about meditation.  St. Louis offers meditation and prayer opportunities in nearly every faith tradition or practice, as do most cities.  If you are looking for suggestions about places to check...

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