Dragonfly Retreats
Scared and sacred are spelled with the same letters. Awful proceeds from the same root word as awesome. Terrify and terrific. Every negative experience holds the seed of transformation. –Alan Cohen Hello beautiful souls! I wanted to do some updates about the goings on around here, especially about the retreats. Many of you are asking about them, so this seems like the best way to do it. First, yes– all of the spots for the New Mexico retreats are full, at least for this year. We will probably do a larger, longer group retreat next year in Abiquiu, NM, with the option...
Read MoreA Declaration of Self Care
Hello all! This is a wonderful post originally from Mara Glatzel. I love this, I preach this, I believe this and I wanted to pass it along. Allow yourself to work with yourself today, and be gentle with you. We are all we have, sweet friends, and we are enough. You are enough. There is enough today…enough time, enough money, enough love, enough breath. So for just a second, relax your shoulders. Take a deep breath and allow that Calm Voice to whisper encouragement in your ears. There is only now, so deepen into the moment and allow yourself to Be Here Now. You are worth...
Read MoreLook for the Helpers
What can we say about the events in Boston? So much pain and so much suffering, in Boston and all over the world. Our hearts ache in compassion for those impacted and those working to help, in Boston and all over the globe. In the last 72 hours, there have been bombings in our country and others, earthquakes with scores missing or dead, other natural disasters, other personal losses and so much pain and confusion. In times such as this, I think it’s human to want to retaliate, to add aggression to an already confused and painful situation, to want to strike out in our own pain...
Read MoreQuote o the Day
Fear doesn’t frighten me as much as it used to. I know it’s from clinging and I know it will pass. I can tell myself, “I’m frightened now because even though I know what’s true, I have forgotten it right now. I know the possibility of remembering exists.” That possibility, that conviction, gives me a lot of hope in the middle of the biggest fright. – Sylvia Boorstein Whatever may be scaring you today, we send you Big Light and hope. Hang in there, you are smarter and more capable than you may think, and no doubt you are doing a better job than you think you are. Be kind and gentle...
Read MoreDeserts and the Eight Worldly Dharmas
Hello all ! It’s been forever since I stopped by, so I thought I’d say hello. Blogger Slacker, indeed! Truthfully, I’ve been out living my life instead of blogging about it. As part of those life adventures, I spent some time in the southwest, rambling around in the desert. This picture was taken while hiking in the canyons of southern Utah, one of the most gorgeous places on the planet. I was thinking about the desert and my Utah trip this morning. I love the southwest. LOVE IT. And as I proceed across the landscape of my life, with grief from recent deaths, lots...
Read MoreGrief is its own Medicine
“Grief is itself a medicine.” ~~William Cowper (1731-1800) I went to visit my dad over the weekend. It’s been almost five months since my mom died and Saturday morning we went to the cemetery. It was an overcast Ozark day, one my mother would have called “dreary.” Too many days in a row like that and I start to get sort of squirrely, but today I found the starkness of the country landscape beautiful. It seemed like a good day to go to a grave. My mom is buried four or five miles back on an old country road, in Clubb Cemetery, outside of Zalma, MO. The...
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