Bedtime Stories…

Posted by on Jul 16, 2010 in Grief, ponderings | 2 comments

It’s getting late.  I’ve been around family today, acutely aware of the ways in which the sand passes through the hourglass of time and spills into some unknown place, taking pieces of us with it.  I’m not sure where those pieces go, what process they undergo on their way to becoming a memory, a fragment of the self held in a time and a place only accessible to the mind and body in the form of remembrance.  Invisible, ineffable, yet completely tangible in some mysterious way that defies the logic of hard science.  The stories of a person, a family, a culture, a country—they hold us, bind us...

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A Child at Heart Article

Posted by on Jul 15, 2010 in Misc stuff that is totally unrelated to anything obvious | Comments Off on A Child at Heart Article

A really great article by Dr. Mark, called A Child at Heart. An excerpt…. The Shackles of Time “I have noticed that many people lose the ability to be innocent and fun as they get older. Is there a rule that we have to become grumpy and conservative as we get further and further into adulthood? At some point, throwing the ball around in the front yard becomes a waste of time, swimming pools are for kids, and “I’m not driving all that way just to stand in line all day to ride a few roller coasters and pay $7 for a bottle of water!” I was about to ask if that sounded familiar to...

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we are live!

Posted by on Jul 14, 2010 in Misc stuff that is totally unrelated to anything obvious, ponderings | 2 comments

ok, ok…i did it. People have been asking me for 3 years to do a blog and i was never really willing to do it.   But the time has come. So– ask a question, make a comment, let us know about something cool happenin in your neighborhood that is about health and healing, share what healing means to you or just delight us with your favorite quote or thought of the day. Fair warning:  If you share something profound or enlightening, it might end up in the book  Missy Bradley and I are working on.  If you share something vile, lewd, crude or socially unacceptable– fair...

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meditative thought for the morning….

Posted by on Jul 14, 2010 in Thought or Quote O' the Day | Comments Off on meditative thought for the morning….

“I wish I could show you when you are lonely or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being…” ~~Hafiz

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Posted by on Jul 13, 2010 in Grief, Healing | Comments Off on Self-Compassion

From the article Two cups of Tea… “A poster hangs in the window of a preschool in my neighborhood, and I pass it several times each week. Across the top it reads, “How to Build Community.” It lists several suggested actions, ending with: “Know that no one is silent although many are not heard. Work to change this.” …. the whole article is on line at Turning Wheel

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