Posted by on Jul 1, 2013 in Fear, Happiness, Healing, Loss and Letting Go, Peace, Spirituality | Comments Off on A Declaration of Self Care

are you happy

Hello all!  This is a wonderful post originally from Mara Glatzel.    

I love this, I preach this, I believe this and I wanted to pass it along.  Allow yourself to work with yourself today, and be gentle with you.  We are all we have, sweet friends, and we are enough.  You are enough.   There is enough today…enough time, enough money, enough love, enough breath.  So for just a second, relax your shoulders.  Take a deep breath and allow that Calm Voice to whisper encouragement in your ears.   There is only now, so deepen into the moment and allow yourself to Be Here Now.  You are worth it.  Moment to moment, allow yourself a radical self-love, an unconditional friendliness towards yourself.  You so deserve it.


Without further ado, here is Mara.


A Declaration of Self Care

I believe that we teach other people how to treat us.

That we surround ourselves with the love we believe that we deserve.

That the way that we treat ourselves sets the baseline for all of our relationships.

The relationship that we have with ourselves is the most important relationship of our lifetime.

Yet, so many of us are too busy telling ourselves what to do and where to be to get to know the beautiful, imperfect, phenomenally powerful person that we already are – no trying required.

Our relationships with ourselves are built upon foundations of self-trust, foundations that are created brick by brick as we keep our own promises to follow through.

This relationship is the layer beneath pedicures and walks on the beach. They aren’t talking about radical self-responsibility in Seventeen magazine. It exists in the realms beneath self-care as we often see it represented in the media, where a spa day can cure just about anything.

Don’t get me wrong, I love the spa, but my self-care doesn’t require special treatment. Instead, at it’s core, it is a vow to tell myself the truth, and to work with myself instead of against myself.

It is about how I want to show up in my life – for myself and for my dreams – and the tangible ways that I tend to my wild spirit as I journey on.

It is about taking care now, in this moment, in this body, in this life, and not waiting for someone else to tell you that you are worth caring for.

It is about your beautiful deserving, the tender yearning of your essential self. I know that you want to be seen and heard. I want to be seen and heard too. However, if I don’t show myself respect in seeing or listening to my own needs, I can hardly to know how important my own voice is.

My declaration in self-care

I am strong enough to tell myself the truth.

I am brave enough to show up, even when and especially when, it hard.

It is not selfish to make sure that my basic needs are met – and then some – it is what I need to thrive.

It is my responsibility to take care of the one body that I am going to get in this life.

In caring for myself and for my body, I am showing myself, again and again, that I am worthy of love and care.

I  deserve to receive my own love.

I carry this love and this trust with me everywhere that I go, and I have the choice to lean into this knowing, this unshakable relationship with myself.

It is through caring for myself that I am able to reclaim my brilliance, to stand in my power and beauty.

I am ready.

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